dr. strabismus & the babi carbuncle
Not all D&D sessions are fun to write up but I expect this one will be.
Immortal Athkan
Adding Music and Sound Effects to your Skype and Hangout Games
Back when I lived in the same city as the people I played D&D with, I liked playing music off my laptop to set the mood.
I just ran Into the Odd and it was Fun
I just ran my first session of Chris McDowall's Into the Odd. Know what was cool? Everything. More specifically? A party managed to crawl 21 rooms worth of dungeon in under 3 hours. Now that's efficient.
One Thousand Players
This post is, by nature, not gamable. It's pure thoughtsturbation. But I'm having fun so sue me.
Some creatures you might run into in the Bubble Palace
If you're in my group, stop reading. Don't go past the jump and look at the pictures. You'll see them in due time. You know who you are.
Are they gone?
Okay, hit the jump.
Two and a Half More House Rules
Following up on this...
Putting my horrible monstrosity of a Frankenheartbreaker here if anyone's interested.
Dramatis Personae
A House Rule
A magic-user gets a +1 to all rolls associated with the resolution of a spell, provided the player introduces the spell with a short, improvised, rhyming incantation.